Thursday, March 6, 2008

National Treasure

Nicholas Cage
Justin Bartha
Sean Bean
Diane Krueger
Jon Voigt

average rating:
plot/storyline: ★
cinematography: ★

This is a very good movie, actually. We watched it last night, on a whim and a lack of library movies. For reasons later disclosed, I really like this movie, its so gripping. :D

Nicholas Cage, despite his extreme hairline, is really good in this. He plays a man named Benjamin Gates, who is obsessed with both American history and finding a legendary, historical treasure. Along with him is his technical genius, Riley (Bartha), who provides most of the humor and good fashion in the movie (I love everything he wears. That velvet suit jacket is AWESOME). Diane Krueger plays a historian who is dragged into the whole treasure hunt when Ben is forced to steal the Declaration of Independence before his former partner does.

The movie is quick-paced, interesting, and chock-full of historical facts. And, with an official oh my, it managed to stay within a PG rating. Kind of shocking, really. The entire film is clean and fun. Bravo to the director or whoever made that decision!

P.S. Nicholas Cage is actually moderately attractive with a hat on. That hair...

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